by Harshad RJ
Sky Atlas is not planetarium or simulation software. It is designed analog to a paper atlas for the...
Sky Atlas is not planetarium or simulation software. It is designed analog to a paper atlas for the purpose of looking up sky positions of celestial objects. The electronic form takes advantage of zooming and selection of objects to be displayed or not -- possibilities which are not available to paper. The star chart is plotted on equatorial coordinates. Current horizontal positions, rise & set times, etc. for objects can be viewed after selection of an object of interest. A star chart can be saved to external memory card for documentation purposes, such as websites or blogs.The use of Sky Atlas is believed to be simple, intuitive and largely self-explanatory, yet requiring basic knowledge of astronomy and familiarity with your Android phone.
Atlas ObjectsOpens a list of object categories. Tap on a category to view available objects. Upon selection of an object, its data is shown in a message box, from which to return to selection of another object or choose to center an object on the star chart. Categories which contain a large number of objects are assigned a sub-menu (tap on screen's menu button) which allow to narrow down by various criteria dependent on the nature of the category.* Constellations* Named Stars* Nearby Stars* Binary Stars* Variable Stars* Exoplanets* All Messier objects with images* Bright deepsky objects with images* All Caldwell objects with images* Solar System Planets* Dwarf Planets & Asteroids* Comets* Meteor Showers* Hubble Objects* Kepler Field Overlay* Celestial Poles
ReferencesThis list of items is not directly related to the star chart, but to astronomical time-keeping, information and visualizations.* Rise, set, twilight times* Day & Night Visualization* Planisphere* Rectangular view of the sun's vicinity* Earth Globe in 3D* Moon Atlas in 3D* Moon Calendar* MSL Curiosity Station* 3D planetary phase views* Planetary Moons* Spacecrafts* Pleiades Close-up* Solar Eclipses* Greek Alphabet* Glossary* Historical Timeline* Zodiacal Signs* Martian Moons* Plutonian MoonsComputingThis section is for astronomical computing, such as current positions of the Galilean moons, orbit simulation, calculation of optical equipment performance and more.* Galilean Moons* Orbit Simulator* Distances among Stars* Speed of Light Simulation* Telescope Calculator* Binocular Calculator* CCD Imaging Calculator* Optical Formulae* JD-Date/Date-JD Converter
Star Chart* Stars down to magnitude 6.4* Constellation lines* Constellation boundaries* All Messier objects* Bright NGC/IC objects* All Caldwell objects* Sun, moon and planets overlay* Equatorial Grid* Equator line* Ecliptic line* Associated object labels* Color display* Monochrome, negative display* Nightview (red display)
Sky Atlas is designed only for Android phones operating in portrait mode. If you own a tablet please search for "Sky Atlas Tablet".
Galaxy Precident SCH-M828C and similarly small phones not supported.